Year of Monkey Business
New year 2016 has dawned but the world economy wears a fatigued looks and
businesses are yawning...
21st Century started with boom and bust of information technology. Boom or
bust, the information technology was to become the order of the day. The world
was swept over by IT at the speed of light. It transformed human behaviour and
life style. In bid to survive the metamorphosis brought about by the
information technology, it was imperative for each and every element and
structure of the human society to undergo a rigorous evolution process.
Obviously, there are some tough nuts in every walk of life. Every change
is resisted by inertia or status quo. The purpose of this inertia is to hold
the continuum thru the entire animation. But this change has to be rather quick
and abrupt. Hence a majority failed to accept and evolve. And this majority has
now turned rebellious (ISIS). We see the war clouds hanging over the centre
stage. Nature too has been increasingly hostile due to prolonging of the
previous act (industrialisation).
We are going through a difficult phase of change-over before we settle down
to the new dawn.
IT era means, 80% of the world population languishing in poverty, ignorance
and destitute to fall in to the global main stream. To absorb this huge influx
into the existing mainstream would mean an incredible stress on natural
resources. Hence, the only logical solution would be :
1. a substantial natural resource friendly change in human lifestyle and
2. a substantial shrinking of human population.
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